Please imagine yourself as an observer of your mind. Sit to the side of your mind and just watch your thoughts. Not to criticise or condemn your thoughts, or even to analyse from where they might have arisen, but just simply to watch.
See them in this present moment and realise that
thoughts from the ego are always time bound in the past or the future. If
a thought is about something you have done or you will do it is most
likely coming from the ego.
Remind yourself again, that the voice of the heart is in the now, and always about the flow of love.
See if you can see some of your habits. Watch what you dismiss. Look at your labels. And if they are negative habits really deconstruct them. We deconstruct by reprogramming the mind with repetition.
Take your time. We have spent a lifetime on automatic.
Realise that the ego’s existence depends on the past and the future, anything of the now it has ‘automatically’ programmed into us to believe has no place.
But remember who you really are is not the ego. Who you really are exists in the vast space that is the present moment inside the heart.
When you are ready, begin to feel the real nature of the present moment. This is where your heart is, where the flow of love is, where peace is, where creativity springs from, where inspiration flies – feel your real self, for this is the real you. Not the imagined construction of a million trillion repeated thoughts.
Spend time here. This is real meditation. Breathe in and out the flow of love and feel it all in the now. Don’t imagine yourself better in the future or happier in the past, feel yourself perfect now. You are!
Then when you are ready and you are coming out of your meditation, please spend some time with your ego. Imagine that just as we hit the ‘reset’ button on a computer, you are wiping all of your past and future and reloading that which serves you. If your anxieties and doubts and fears do not serve you than do not reload them. It is not that we are hiding from our past, the events still exist, but it is we that decide whether they are blessings or curses. If we look at our past with regret or anxiety or even sorrow, than that is the ego that we will create, conversely if we are able to see each event as gifts, then you can see the difference.
We all must realise that it is we that have created our egos, we are completely responsible for our thoughts and those that we repeat. We are completely responsible for the programming of the patterns of our minds. So it is for us, and only us, that must go through the process of moulding and sculpting our egos in a manner that will serve us. As instruments of our real self, our heart.