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This all day retreat is about creating an extraordinary life no matter what.

What makes our lives extraordinary is practising the deepest, most passionate, wisest and happiest love on a regular basis. In our work and in our play, in nature and creatively, Sunirmalya will show you how to master this most exciting, inspiring  and extraordinary love effortlessly.

Sunirmalya, author and one of the founders of Meditation Australia, has for over 30 years taught meditation to thousands of people all over the world.  Here's a little of what people are saying.

"I cant believe how much my life took off after one day. I got the job I had been dreaming of and my life partner appeared a week later" James - Sydney

"I really loved your workshop. I learned so much and it was so simple. What an experience! The unconditional love exercises were magical" Fiona - Wollongong

One Day Workshop

It's amazing what happens in one day! Bring a notebook and a pen, a cushion if you desire, and leave the rest of your world behind and let the day chart new journeys for you.

The cost of $70 (students and pensioners $40) includes Sunirmalya's first book,  “The Simplest Book God Ever Wrote” to take home. We will also make you a premium member (worth $10) upon completion of the workshop if you aren't already.

Just click on the appropriate buttons below to book your place, and we will email you with all the details.

Sunirmalya is a very interactive and engaging speaker. You will love this day!

Workshop Dates

Brisbane - Saturday 21st March 2015 - 10 Hampson St Kelvin Grove 4059 10am-4pm


Sydney - Saturday 9th May - Wahroonga - Boundary Rd - 10am-4pm 


Melbourne - Saturday 18th April - Boyd, 207 City Rd, Southbank 10:30am-4pm



About Sunirmalya

Sunirmalya lives on a small nursery in SE Qld. Author of 2 books on meditation, he is one of the founders of the Meditation Society of Australia, a group dedicated to Open Source meditation.  He has travelled the world teaching and speaking.

Living the 'sea change' he is an avid surfer and musician, whilst previously designing computer network systems for many of the largest companies in Australia.

He is currently offering workshops only twice a year.


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Heart garden nursery