In the last
class we started a process of investigating some of the anchors, negative
thought patterns that weigh us down and create considerable drag in our
spiritual journey.
We have begun to find that 'so called' negative thought patterns have
positive intentions, but the problem is usually in us procrastinating with
the action we should be performing.
If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate
something about your size? ~Sydney J. Harris
One of the most destructive of all negative thought
patterns is anger.
It can lead to aggression, acts of violence, wars. When
we are angry we do not listen, we react without thinking, we feel unsafe,
alone and threatened. Our lives can become hellish if we are often angry,
especially for those that are unable to have an outlet for their anger, not
to mention those that do have an outlet - for often it is the less
physically powerful that receive the brunt of anger's violence.
He who angers you conquers you. ~Elizabeth Kenny
people believe that anger and resentment (repressed anger) are the causes of many physical
diseases such as cancer and depression. To repress anger is extremely dangerous. It is as
though we are swallowing a black hole of whirling negative energy that
slowly eats us alive from the inside out.
This is sadly a normal (BUT NOT
NATURAL) way to deal with anger. We are told we must not be angry, to hide
it, to suck it in - but obviously none of these approaches work.
All they do
is create a habit of storing this most powerful negative energy away,
so it can eat us away spiritually and waiting for the tiniest impetus to explode.
Put very simply we feel anger when our world is
threatened, when our expectations are not met.
From the spiritual point of view, the highest and most
constructive purpose
of anger is to act as a bludgeon of change. It can increase motivation,
sharpen focus
and provide the determination and power to change. It is like a fire that can sweep
everything away and start anew.
A good example of this is with activists. Many activists are motivated by
their anger at a perceived injustice, and their normal reaction is to fight
anger with more anger.
This spiritually compounds the problem, because now
there is even more anger and no-one performing actions to change the
The higher solution is to peacefully and non-violently channel
that anger into determination to change, and then simply go and perform the
actions with love and empathy to make the highest progress.
For us, trying to find the highest purpose for anger,
we must realize that its resolution can only be found in action, the
channelling of that powerful energy into a positive outcome. We must realize
that anger has usually come because the numerous other methods the universe
has to guide us for some reason have not been followed by us or we have felt
If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your own foot. ~Korean Proverb
So let's do it - to resolve anger we need to quickly
understand the real reason we are angry. So follow these steps.
Anger Resolution
man is about as big as the things that make him angry - Winston Churchill
slowly and more deeply. This will help slow down thoughts and allow us to
Listen to yourself, and if another is involved, really listen to them. Put
yourself in their shoes.
What is threatening your world?
Be objective, calm and scientific, if you are angry with yourself then find
its source. If you are 'reacting' with anger over tiny things then that is a
sure sign that there is repressed anger that needs to be released.
Anger with someone else.
Is someone not meeting your expectations, are
they threatening your world, your view of yourself? Listen for a moment and
see if they are right. If you are blaming someone else or something else for
your troubles then the only way out is forgiveness. Please read this again
if you are not sure, the only way out for you when you blame someone or
something for your troubles is to forgive. (We will do more on forgiveness
in classes following)
Empower yourself
to believe
that you can use this energy. You CAN channel it and you don’t have to
bottle it up inside. All you need to do is ACT. Resentment comes when we
feel that we are powerless to act.
Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. ~Malachy
This is the most important step. Ask yourself ‘what
action should I be performing?' 'what can I do with this power? Remember
that anger cannot be transformed without action. So look for the highest
If it is the right action you will feel the energy perfectly being
channelled into the action. If you are still not sure after listening to
yourself and really scientifically trying to understand what the anger is
about, then you still need to rid yourself of this energy.
Go for a run or a
walk, do some boxing or karate, sit on a mountain and meditate, or park
yourself in your car, do up the windows, turn the music up and shout
yourself free of that energy.
ventilated often hurries toward forgiveness; and concealed often hardens
into revenge. ~Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
Use positive internal or external dialog to reinforce your
positive actions. 'I feel better already' you will hear yourself saying - so
notice it and use it to empower yourself back to step 3 to continue the
Also be positive about your action - it may seem small but all you
have to know is that every act of love is the highest act you can perform.
Like most people - you might also feel that you have
repressed anger in your life. Search it out, forgive those you need to
forgive (those you have blamed), let go of all that is binding you and allow yourself to live free
from anger.
I don't have to attend every argument I'm invited to. ~Author Unknown
destructive thought patterns can be done very powerfully with affirmations.
They are a kind of a training drill that transforms destructive into
constructive. For example, a really good affirmation for anger might be
something like
"There is no
place in my life for anger and the extra energy I get I am going
to use to effortlessly, lovingly and joyously change and progress"
"All is well in my world, everything is exactly as it should be. Anger
is the hard way to truth but for some reason that is the way I am travelling
this time"
"I love myself totally."
"I forgive myself and others completely."
"I release all anger and resentments now."
We’ll try that
in our free downloadable meditation exercise below, but you may want to compose your own. Try
recording it for yourself and play it over and over again during the day,
you’ll be amazed at the effect it will have on your life.